
Friday, May 3, 2013

yves rocher 3 minutes fresh mask with lemon zest

This was one of the things I picked up in my February Yves Rocher purchase.  Yves Rocher frequently offers its products at low, low prices, which makes it very hard to resist buying them.  This little baby only rang in at C$3.99.  (Note: I’ve since had to unsubscribe from the company’s mailing list because the product offers it kept sending me were gradually chipping away at my willpower.)

The “3 Minute” aspect was what appealed to me.  Of late, since I zonk out shortly after dinner on weeknights, I was looking for something that I could slap on and wash off quickly.  This mask is a translucent yellow gel that squeezes easily out of the tube.  I typically end up applying about 1-1.5 tablespoons’ worth to my face for coverage.  It has a pleasant lemon scent – not like dishwasher or laundry detergent, but fresh.  The gel does not dry up in 3 minutes, although I suppose it would if a much thinner layer of the mask was applied.  The only minor downside is that the product doesn’t rinse out that well at the sink (it could, but I would be hunched over my sink for about 5 minutes to do it); however, it rinses off in the shower in a snap, which is a concession that I would be willing to make.

After rinsing the product, my skin feels a little tighter (in a good way) and seems to “glow” a bit more.  I usually follow up with a little toner and moisturizer before hopping into bed.  I’ve used the mask about three times over the past month and a half and my skin has felt good immediately after using it.  The mask provides a nice pick-me-up after a long and/or tiring day. 

Verdict: Yves Rocher offers a number of other facial masks in their product lineup that I wouldn’t mind trying.  However, based on the positive experience I’ve had with this particular one, I would purchase this again in the future (especially if it’s still $3.99!).  ~50ml tube, C$3.99  

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